Sunday, April 19, 2020

Narrative free essay sample

The Day I Found Out I Was Pregnant It was on April 28, 2013, the most exciting day of my life. On this day I found out that I am pregnant. At first I didnt believe it, but then it hit me. Later that day I had to tell my boyfriend the news. He was very excited, he said, l cant believe I am going to be a daddy! I knew at that moment that the rest of my life would never be the same. The more I thought about it, the more excited I became. I thought to myself, There is a little boy or girl growing inside of my stomach that I will love for the rest of my life. A single tear ran down my face from all of the excitement. As the day went by, my stomach started to get bigger and my love food soon dwindled down to almost nothing. We will write a custom essay sample on Narrative or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Soon enough, I heard my babys heartbeat; it was loud and sounded like a sweet song from heaven. Tears started to fill my eyes as I listened a little bit longer. A few weeks later I had my first ultrasound. I walked into the doctors office nervous and shaking. As I walked into the exam room and laid down on the bed, my whole body was shaking, but as soon as I saw my little on the screen, my nervousness turned into Joy and excitement. The doctor told me that I was 12 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I started to cry hysterically as I watched my little baby move around. About 8 weeks later, I had gone for another ultrasound to determine the gender of my baby. As I always did, I walked into the doctors office nervous as could be and shaking like a leaf. I waited for my name to be called. Soon I had gone into the exam room. First, the doctor checked to see if the baby had ten finger and ten toes. Next, she listened to the babys heartbeat to make sure nothing was wrong. Finally, after having to try to get the baby to change positions, we found out that I am having a boy. My boyfriend and I were extremely excited and overwhelmed. We then decided that his name would be London Michael. Now I am 25 weeks and 1 day pregnant. Little London constantly moves around and is always kicking. At first, his kicks felt like little flutters, but as he got bigger his kicks became more powerful and strong. As I get closer to my due date, December 23, 2013, my stomach continues to grow and the amount of excitement also grows. Narrative Essay By Rainstorms Narrative free essay sample CALTEX FUEL POINTE SERVICE STATION Sto. Nino, Gapan city, Nueva Ecija In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Presented by: Mr. Kevin M. Sesbreno B. S. Information Technology Presented to: Mrs. April A. Atendido OJT Coordinator Republic of the Philippines NUEVA ECIJA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE amp; TECHNOLOGY San Leonardo Academic Extension Campus NARATIVE REPORT ON ON THE JOB TRAINING AT CALTEX FUEL POINTE SERVICE STATION Sto. Nino, Gapan city, Nueva Ecija In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Presented by: Mr. Emmanuel P. Garcia Mr. Kevin M. Sesbreno B. S. Information Technology Presented to: Mrs. April A. Atendido OJT Coordinator TABLE OF CONTENTS * Approval Sheet * Acknowledgement * Dedication I. INTRODUCTION a. Objectives of OJT b. Industrial Linkages amp; Coordination Office (Philosophy, Mission amp; Goals) II. The Training Agency / Company Profile a. Company Philosophy (Mission, Vision, Goals amp; Mandate) b. We will write a custom essay sample on Narrative or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page History (Company Background) III. Company Organization a. Organizational Structure b. Profiles of the Company c. Function of the Company d. Programs amp; Initiatives e. Expected Benefits IV. Experience Evaluation a. OJT Experience b. Insights Problems Encountered Suggestions amp; Recommendation V. APPENDICES a. Daily Time Record b. Weekly Report c. Evaluation d. Pictorials e. Certificate of Completion f. Author’s Data Republic of the Philippines NUEVA ECIJA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY San Leonardo Academic Extension Campus San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija APPROVAL SHEET In partial fulfillment of the requirements in this NARRATIVE REPORT ON ON – THE – JOB TRAINING for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology has been prepared and submitted by EMMANUEL P. GARCIA. Recommended By: MRS. Lorna G. Flores Trainor Accepted and Approved as partial fulfillment of the requirements in the course BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, with rating of MRS. APRIL A. ATENDIDO OJT 1 Coordinator DATE OF APPROVAL: Republic of the Philippines NUEVA ECIJA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY San Leonardo Academic Extension Campus San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija APPROVAL SHEET In partial fulfillment of the requirements in this NARRATIVE REPORT ON ON – THE – JOB TRAINING for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology has been prepared and submitted by KEVIN M. SESBRENO. Recommended By: MRS. Lorna G. Flores Trainor Accepted and Approved as partial fulfillment of the requirements in the course BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, with rating of MRS. APRIL A. ATENDIDO OJT 1 Coordinator DATE OF APPROVAL: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We like to acknowledge the almighty GOD who gave us wisdom and intellectual capacity to let this work be of reality. We want to thank GOD for His guidance, help and protecting us from the first day of my OJT up to the last day, and for giving us strength in everyday just to fulfill this program. Secondly, we would like to acknowledge Caltex Fuel Pointe Service Station for accepting us as there ON-THE-JOB TRAINEE. For giving us chance to experience how to work in their company, and we want to thank also the manager, employees, cashier, security guard for giving me as sort of advice regarding the work that we experienced, for the knowledge that we gained when we worked with them as an OJT TRAINEE. We also wish to acknowledge the following person who helped us to finish/fulfill this program. We would like to thank all people who have helped and inspired us during my on-the-job training. We would like to thank our parents Eric Garcia and Ma. Theresa Sesbreno for their  guidance, concern and understanding and love and care that strongly encourage us in the fulfillment of the desired task. To our Aunt Lorna G. Flores for guiding us and for untiring appreciation. DEDICATION This narrative report is dedicated to our Almighty GOD for His guidance, helped and protecting us up to the beginning of our OJT up to the end of it. We personally dedicate this narrative to our family for their support, effort, moral encouragement, and for supporting us financially just to finish this program, it is dedicated to them because they served as our inspiration to finish this program. And to give our best in OJT. Lastly, we dedicate this narrative report especially to ourselves because we know we gave all our effort and time to finish this program. This work is dedicated to our girlfriend, Hazel S. Odono and Jessie Anne Lafina without their caring support it would not have been possible, and to the effort of our parents, Mr. amp; Mrs. Garcia and Mr. amp; Mrs. Sesbreno just to fulfill this program. I. INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION On the job training or OJT is one method by which students is given a chance to apply the theories and computations that they have learned from the school. It also helps the students to acquire relevant knowledge and skills by performing in actual work setting. Colleges and universities require their students to undergo such training within a specific number of hours as part of the curriculum. For the students, an OJT or internship program provides opportunities to go through the actual methodologies of a specific job using the real tools, equipments and documents. In effect, the workplace becomes a development venue for a student trainee to learn more about his chosen field and practice what he has learn from academy. On the other hand, an effective OJT program also benefits the companies who accept trainees. First OJT or intern provides additional manpower for a lesser labor cost than a regular employee. Most of them are all eager to learn the ropes so chances are high that they will cooperate. Employers can use this internship strategy as a method in recruiting new employees. Since the trainer or the supervisor can follow the trainees’ progress, he can gauge based on performance, behavior and attitude if the trainee will make a good recruit after the completion of his internship. This study examines an early element of federal job training policy implementation the job training plan in order to assess its effect on the fulfillment of federal policy goals. OBJECTIVES OF OJT PURPOSE This is exciting time for me to have an ON THE JOB TRAINING that will allow individuals to learn the knowledge and skills they have been hired to do. OBJECTIVES 1. To provide students the opportunity to promote and broaden her/his philosophy and understanding of the chosen profession. 2. To provide the OJT students the opportunity to integrate theory and practice in his/her professional educations, to encourage the exchange of contemporary thinking between the apprenticeship and the agency and the agency personnel. 3. To enable OJT students to obtain information which can be used as basis for making choices and relation to future careers, areas of specialization, and or for their study. 4. To provide students opportunity to gain experience, supervisory, and administrative function. 5. To enable student- trainee to realize his/her own strength and weaknesses. 6. To help students being an understanding and appreciation of the role duties, responsibilities of a full time professional. 7. To provide student-trainee with experience that will enable him/her to develop sound human relation. 8. To strengthen relationship between the cooperation agency and university. INDUSTRIAL LINKAGES AND COORDINATION PHILOSOPHY Industrial Linkages and Coordination shall be committed to the philosophy of training and molding highly motivated industrial workers who shall be responsible for the development of the country future middle level manpower to spur the economy. MISSION To provide access to relevant and comprehensive industrial training program for the students to enhance technical competence and ensure job placement. GOAL To provide quality training and proper skills, work attitude and knowledge to prospective student trainees in different degree and non degree programs of the university. IV. EXPERIENCE EVALUATION ON-THE-JOB TRAINING EXPERIENCE With almost two months of our OJT in Fuel Pointe Caltex Service Station, we have gained a lot of experience involving to real job situation. The staffs and bosses of F. P. C. S. S, treat us as nice as one of them. They elped us with the things that we must learn about their station as well as the company. In our training we used to arrange and manage records manually. We also encode some records like the total daily sales oil and gas weekly report. Compute the meters of every pump reading. We are so thankful with this opportunity to work with them as a trainee because we have applied and developed us to lear n how to deal with problems that we may encounter with our future job. During our ON-THE-JOB-TRAINING in Fuel Pointe Caltex Service Station, there was no considerable problem in our place assignment. The problems that arise are mostly because we not used to working in that environment. Some of these are; At first, we had lack of self confidence and hard time searching the right approach on our supervisor although they all show kindness to us. We are not consistent on our early attendance, sometimes we got late which is not a good thing about a real job situation. But up to the end of our ON-THE-JOB TRAINING we feel fulfilled and contented with all the knowledge and experience that we have gained of course with all the helped of our good LORD. AUTHORS DATA Name:Emmanuel P. Garcia Age:18 Address:134 Burgos St. San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija Birthday:December 18, 1994 Contact number:0926-600-3350 Father:Eric V. Garcia Mother:Valerie P. Garcia Course: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology San Leonardo Academic Extension Campus AUTHORS DATA Name:Kevin M. Sesbreno Age:18 Address:153 Burgos St. San Leonardo, Nueva Ecija Birthday:July 25, 1994 Contact number:0935-797-3235 Father:Rico G. Sesbreno Mother:Ma. Theresa M. Sesbreno Course: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology San Leonardo Academic Extension Campus Narrative free essay sample Many people may say that they go through many disappointments in life but im pretty sure we all can say that at some point in time in life. Life is full of obstacles that slow you down. Some even say you have to fail to succeed. We all have different sayings for this crazy thing called life but, we have to take what is given to us even if its negative and try to make into something positive. It was a morning in March, I anxiously went to the DMV to take the permit test it was my birthday so of course I was really excited and nervous at the same time. After I had been sitting more than thirty minutes, waiting and praying that I would get nothing but easy questions so that I would past with no problems at all, an old, short woman was sitting at the front desk and she called my number to come up to her desk. We will write a custom essay sample on Narrative Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Her outfit was very wacky. She spoke to me and then handed me a clipboard with info that needed to be filled in the blanks so I filled it out and she proceeded with the permit test process. She tested my eye sight by having me look into a microscope and call out the letters that I saw on different rows. After she took my picture and had me proceed to the back where I would began taking the test. My heart was beating so fast and my palms were sweaty. As I proceeded to the back I approached a line of other people also waiting to take the test I couldn’t stop thinking to myself â€Å"what if I fail† â€Å"what I fail. † The line began to move up and I was only two people away from taking the test. After about twenty minutes I heard a lady say â€Å"next in line please† I walked to the desk and handed her a paper that she needed from the first desk in order for me to take the test. She told me to go to computer number one I began to approach the computer and on the screen it asked what state was I in. I clicked Maryland, it then told me my options to be able to skip go back and etc. It asked me basic questions as an example on how to use the different maneuvers on the computer. I answered the example questions and the real test began. My heart dropped as I read the questions and bubbled my answer. Each time I got one rite it would highlight in green saying correct each time I got one wrong it would highlight in red I got it wrong. I continued to about number ten and I had gotten that one wrong and I started to panic because you are only aloud to get three wrong out of twenty-one questions, I tried to keep my cool but I couldn’t stop thinking to myself â€Å"Oh My Gosh! †¦I can only get two more wrong before I blow this. † As I continued I heard a boy next to me scream â€Å"YESSSSSSS! ALRIGHT! † I couldn’t help but look at his screen after he got up and his screen said PASSED written really big across his screen in green, so I thought to myself okay I can do this, this test is easy so let me hurry up and get this over with. However, while I was being nosey on his screen I accidentally hit next question with the wrong answer bubbled and I got it wrong. I was very angry and upset at myself because now I could only get one question wrong. I was now on question twenty, the question was about blind spot. However I did not know what this was because I didn’t study so I took a guess and got it wrong and my screen said FAILED highlighted in red. I was so embarrassed and upset, I got up and walked to the counter and the lady told me to try again in 2 weeks. I walked out and my mom asked did I passed and I told her no. She told me this time maybe I should actually try to study. The moral to the story is always study before taking a test, even if you think you already know it because practice makes perfect. Narrative free essay sample It was a hot sunny day, when I finally took my kids to the Disney Land. My son Matthew and my daughter Durra endlessly asked me to show them the dream land of many children with Mackey Mouse and Snow-white walking by and arousing a huge portion of emotions. Somehow these fairy tale creatures can make children happy without such small presents as $100 Leg or a Barbs house in 6 rooms and garden furniture. Therefore, I thought that Disney Land was a good Invention for loving parents. However, I can ensure anybody that Disney can turn out to be a remarkable lace for adults too. Two years have already passed, but I still can not forget my experience at the roller coaster with a mysterious name Space Mountain. Tired of the smell of sweet popcorn and heroically washing the Ice-cream off Durra pink dress, I decided to change the settings. Along with Durra, Mathew pleaded to go to the roller coaster, and, having no other better Idea, I finally had to give up. We will write a custom essay sample on Narrative or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I thought that my wife would be proud of me.Besides, I have never had such an experience before, and thought of having such a ride was quite Intriguing. However, when I saw this big Mountain, the first signs of doubt started to appear in my confused conscience. A man at the age of 30, I felt terrified by the thought that we have to ride down. It is inhuman, suicidal experience I would have felt much better if we set down in the cafe and ate ice-cream. I thought about my children and looked at Mat. To my surprise, he was too preoccupied with Space Mountain to be worried about life safety. I also took a moment to appreciate the courage of Durra, who light- heartedly followed Mat. Finally, I rejected all doubt and climbed into this killing machine, where well qualified Disney personnel checked the safety belts, encouraged the suicides, I mean all who wanted to increase their adrenaline level, and wished a pleasant ride. At that moment, the only person that looked exited was Matthew. As for Durra, her eyes were full of fear, and once again I could not decide for myself whether I did right or not.The only thing that I new for sure was that my blood turned cold and I could not stop thinking that this entire mechanism could reek in a second. So, there was nothing a man could do but close his eyes and quickly leave the place of torture. I heard other people scream and even laugh, but could not make a sound myself. When I opened my eyes, I understood that Durra fully shared my feelings. And unfortunately even more. In several minutes, looking at my poor daughter, I thought that pop corn and Ice cream was far not the worst thing. Especially, if kept insideI was somehow no longer proud of myself as I could not get id of the thought that I did something wrong again. Narrative Essay By Elaborateness furniture. Therefore, I thought that Disney Land was a good invention for loving the smell of sweet popcorn and heroically washing the ice-cream off Drags pink the roller coaster, and, having no other better idea, I finally had to give up. I thought before, and thought of having such a ride was quite intriguing. However, when I saw my poor daughter, I thought that pop corn and ice cream was far not the worst thing. Narrative free essay sample It was a hot summer day in the year 2002 when I went camping with my family in Savannah, Georgia. I will never forget this day because it’s the day I learned the lesson that if I don’t obey my parents the consequences will be large. I was only about six years old when we first pulled into the campground. Of course being a young child the first thing I noticed was this extravagant playground out near the road. When me and my sister, Natalie who was around seven at this time, saw it we both looked at each other and knew we were going to go play on that playground. We pulled into our campsite that was located near the very back of the park and our parents started unpacking everything and setting up the motorhome. They were making it obvious they wanted us out of their way. They grabbed our dolls, bikes and chalk out of the car and told us to go play. We will write a custom essay sample on Narrative or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Natalie and I knew this was the perfect time to go play on the playground that we saw on our way in. It just so happened there was a playground right by our campsite as well. We came up with the perfect plan. We would tell our parents we were going to go play on the playground and trick into them into thinking we meant the one right near our campsite. In reality we planned on going to the big one near the front of the campground and not have to lie in the process. So we grabbed our bikes and asked our parents if we could ride over to the playground and play. They both said yes, so we rode off towards what we thought was the most beautiful playground weve ever saw. It was probably about a fifteen minute bike ride for us to get there. We dropped our bikes and ran to the playground and started playing. About a half hour passed when my sister Natalie decided she had to use the restroom. So she went around to the other side of the playground away from the road and decided to go. By this point we noticed there was this blue truck that drove past a few times while we were there. We began to get a little scared and thought maybe we should start going back to the camper. No sooner than we got back on our bikes our mom and dad came driving up with anger in their eyes. Me and Natalie knew we were about to be in some big trouble. Just as my parents got out of the car the man in the blue truck stopped and walked over. He started reprimanding my parents and told them they can’t let their kids run around without any supervision. He also said he was the manager and told my parents Natalie  used the restroom right out in the open. My parents apologized to the man and then made us apologize as well. The manager accepted our apology and told us we werent allowed back on that particular playground for the rest of our stay. By this point my our parents were livid and gave me and Natalie a 10 minute lecture about the dangers of them not knowing where we were and not being able to see us. They grabbed us and our bikes and we headed back to the campsite. When we got back they took all our toys and our bikes and we were told we werent allowed to join any of the activities the rest of the week. That week my family went swimming, horse back riding and hiking. Natalie and I didn’t get to do any of it and our siblings made sure they told us after every activity how fun it was. It was a time I’ll never forgot. It seems everything seems so much more traumatic when you are young. I learned the lesson that I should obey my parents even if I don’t necessarily want to. I’m not saying there arent times I don’t go against their will; but ever since that day I think to myself and analyze if the rule that I am about to break is worth the consequences I’ll have to pay if I get caught. Narrative free essay sample Education has been regarded as a means toward economic stability and progress. The increases productivity of the workforce is due mainly to the increase in the education and training of the people. The success and development of the country would greatly depend in the productivity of its human resources – which is considered as one of the vital asset of the nation. And to have a good and competent man power resources, quality education and intensive training is necessary for the students to become skilled and productive workers when they become part of the labor force (Taladtad Bala, 2010). It is said that education is primarily concerned with the opening out to the world of the students so that he can choose his interests and mode of living, and his career. (Taladtad, 2010) On the other hand, training is primarily concerned with the preparing the participants from certain lines of action, which are delineated by technology and by the organization in which he works. We will write a custom essay sample on Narrative or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The most effective method to develop the competence and skills of students is trough hands – on training – the on-the-job training. This process exposes the students to the different fields and learned. Moreover, it allows the students to become familiar and made known with the actual operation of the business and the state-of-the-art of the facilities, equipment and technology used (Rodelas, 2010). On-the-Job Training is a type of skill development where a student learns how to do the work through hands-on experience. This is in contrast to skill formation that is purely cognitive or perceptual. (Cyprus, 2012) OJT generally gives the trainee the opportunity to work in the same place and with the same equipment that will be used regularly which can make it an efficient approach to learn new things. As a senior student, taking up a degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, it is a must for us to undergo 600 hours training in a company. Before the semester starts, the trainee looked a company where to spend the on-the-job training. The company that the trainee is applying for must be related to the trainee’s field of specialization, where she can apply the skills and knowledge learned. On-the-job training is a training that takes place at the work site and is supervised by a manager or an experienced co-worker. Certain job requires on-the-job training under the policy of the individual employer. For the students, OJT is the main method of acquiring human capital along with education. It helps the student enhancing their capability of work and develops their knowledge and skills by performing in actual work setting through day to day experience. On the other hand, a trainee also gives big help to the company, because they provide additional manpower to lessen their labor cost. Trainees can also contribute an idea that eventually helps in improving the organization’s productivity. On-the-job training also helps the trainee recognize its strong and weak points in the field of working. It allows the trainee to initiate ways to modify his/her weaknesses into a capability that could be a big help as the trainee is already in the real working environment. B. Objectives of On-The-Job Training 1. To enhance the student’s knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom in order to become more responsive to the demands of Information Technology (IT) Profession. 2. To develop the value of professionalism, love of work and commitment to people they serve. 3. To apply the relevant theories of IT profession and Code of Ethics into practice. 4. To feel and experience the actual world of work in computerized services. Goals of On-The-Job Training 1. Help you get back to work. 2. Bridge the gap between your current skills and the skills the employer is looking for. 3. Promote good paying jobs and career advancement. 4. Reimburse the cost of training and eligible worker to the hiring employer. D. Time and Place of Training The training was conducted from June 17, 2013 to October 11, 2013 at Rural Bank of Maasin (Southern Leyte), Inc. – Bontoc Branch (RBM – Bontoc) situated at Polacion, Bontoc, Southern Leyte. The training period covered a total period of 632 hours and 19 minutes. E. Definition of Terms Amortization. The process of reducing debt through regular installment payments of principal and interest that will result in the payoff of a loan at its maturity. Automated Teller Machine (ATM). A machine, activated by a magnetically encoded card or other medium that can process a variety of banking transactions. These include accepting deposits and loan payments, providing withdrawals, and transferring funds between accounts. Collateral. Assets that are offered to secure a loan or other credit. For example, if you get a real estate mortgage, the banks collateral is typically your house. Collateral becomes subject to seizure on default. Co-Maker. Person who signs a note to guarantee a loan made to another person and is jointly liable with the maker for repayment of the loan. (Also known as a Co-signer. ) Debit. A debit may be an account entry representing money you owe a lender or money that has been taken from your deposit account. Insurance (Hazard). Insurance to protect the homeowner and the lender against physical damage to a property from sources such as but not limited to fire, wind, or vandalism. Interest Rate. The amount paid by a borrower to a lender in exchange for the use of the lenders money for a certain period of time. Interest is paid on loans or on debt instruments, such as notes or bonds, either at regular intervals or as part of a lump sum payment when the issue matures. Mortgage. A debt instrument used in a real estate transaction where the property is the collateral for the loan. A mortgage gives the lender a right to take possession of the property if the borrower fails to pay off the loan. Passbook. A book in ledger form in which are recorded all deposits, withdrawals, and earnings of a customers savings account. A. Training Venue Profile Brief History of Rural Bank of Maasin – Bontoc Branch Rural Bank of Maasin (Southern Leyte), Inc. – Bontoc Branch (RBM – Bontoc) was organized on 1975. It started with meager resources of less than a million pesos. Now, it has grown to more or less P40 million in resources. Its board of directors is composed of 7 members who are in control of the management and staff of 11. It operates in the City of Maasin and neighboring towns of Southern Leyte. Company Vision and Mission Vision A financial stable, progressive, dynamic and service oriented financial institution, able to attain it’s goals and services for which the bank has been organized. To promote professional fund management to provide satisfaction to our clientele, the government and the community which we serve. B. To promote the habit and thrift, savings and investment among its clientele and stockholder. C. To attain growth rate in resources of at least 10% a year. D. To determine strategies and targets to insure attainment of the bank’s vision. D. Company Code of Conduct We shall attend and actively participate in board meetings whether regular or special, including voting formation and making policies and other duties as maybe prescribed by laws and regulations. We shall not interfere in the operation and responsibilities of recruitment and promotion except that this is in accordance in the policy and guidelines of the bank. We shall attend training programs pertaining to policy development and understanding of operations of the organization to make us more knowledgeable and competent with the discharge of our duties and responsibilities. We shall not speak in behalf of the Board unless properly authorized to do so. We shall treat information acquired by reason of our office as member of the board with confidentiality. We shall not abuse our position to obtain advantage for family relatives, ourselves and or demonstrate any abuse of authority. We shall avoid at all-time any conflict of interest with respect to our fiduciary responsibility as board member. We shall serve loyally without self-interest, and free from conflict with other commitments. Should we disagree with any board decision, we shall clearly state that our view is personal in a manner so as not to prejudice and put into embarrassing compromise the integrity of the organization. Finally, we shall observe fairness, accountability and transparency in our dealings, either collectively or individually as members of the board and invoke, at all times, the guidance of the Divine Providence. Company Commitment We hereby commit faithfully to abide by the foregoing code of Good Governance. Any breach of the said Code of Good Governance shall be recorded by the Board of Directors. Any violator thereof shall be subjected to caution, admonition, reprimand or disqualification. Accountability and Responsibility of Personnel A. Branch Manager Is responsible for the overall strategic planning and direction of the company or organization. B. Senior Teller Provides timely and courteous service to the membership, including, but not limited to: general account information, account transactions, maintenance, and routine problems resolution. Conduct transactions on member accounts accurately and in accordance with established policies, procedures, state and federal regulations. Responsible for vault cash and for mentoring and guiding tellers on the teller line. C. Accounting Clerk An accounting clerk is a financial record keeper who uses specialized ledgers and software to record and process expenditures, receipts, payroll and all other financial transactions for a business or organization. D. Loan Clerk Is one who works in a bank, and whose primary responsibilities involve recording, creating, and maintaining loan paperworks. Loan clerks way have a number of possible job responsibilities, including interviewing loan applicants, completing loan application paperwork, performing credit checks, and creating the final loan paperwork among others. E. Bookkeeper (or book-keeper) Known as an accounting clerk or accounting technician, is person who records the day-to-day financial transactions of an organization. A bookkeeper is usually responsible for writing the â€Å"daybooks†. The daybooks consist of purchases, sales, receipts, and payments. The bookkeeper is responsible for ensuring all transactions are recorded in the correct day book, supplier’s ledger, costumer ledger and general ledger. F. Loan Analyst Is assigned in the review and analysis of financial information and loan documents. G. OJT A student who is being trained at the company. ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN AT RBM BONTOC BRANCH June 17, 2013, was the day that the trainee started her On-The-Job training at Rural Bank of Maasin – Bontoc located at Poblacion, Bontoc, Southern Leyte. On her first day on the bank the branch manager, Allan A. Cabilao welcomed the trainee and introduced the employees and the rules and regulations in the bank. After that, the branch manager then assigned me my first task. The following are the activities undertaken by the trainee: 1. Typing of Documents Using a Typewriter The trainee was tasked to type some files and documents that are useful in the loans department. There is already a paper that the trainee will just fill some important information on it from the applicants using a typewriter. Files to type: Cash Flows Collection Letters Envelops for Collection Letters 2. Answering a Telephone Call When all the staffs were all busy with their respective works; the trainee was the one who will answer a telephone call. In answering a telephone call, the trainee speaks slowly and clearly so that the caller can understand what the trainee says and projecting a tone that is cheerful, confident, enthusiastic, and helpful. Also, the trainee uses a standard greeting such as â€Å"good morning†, if the caller calls in the morning and â€Å"good afternoon† if it is afternoon. When the caller wants to talk to some employees in the bank, the trainee will then tell the caller to wait and gave the telephone to the employee whom the caller wants to talk to. 3. Assisting of Applicants There were applicants that they don’t even know how to write and fill-up the forms that’s why the trainee assisted the applicants who open and closed their accounts in the bank, withdrawing and depositing savings accounts. To those who open new accounts the applicant must fill-up the following: Specimen Signature Ledger Depositor’s Information Sheet Deposit Slip In withdrawing savings account the costumer must fill-up the withdrawal slip while in depositing savings account; the costumer must fill-up the deposit slip. Before submitting the filled-up papers to the senior teller, the trainee must check if all the papers were all filled-up and if the costumer comply all the requirements. 4. Assisting the Senior Teller Every 3:30 PM, the bank will be close so there will be no more transactions to be accepted. At this time, the senior teller will make the teller’s blotter, teller’s proof sheet and also tickets and these reports must be done quickly because this will be submitted to the bookkeeper before 5:00 PM. That’s why the trainee will assist the senior teller by putting a paper on the printer and cutting the debit and credit tickets. 5. Photocopying of Documents The trainee was the one who will photocopy some documents to the Salina’s store because there is no Xerox machine in the bank. Salina’s store is just located near at the back of the bank so it is just a little walk. There were times that the Salina’s Store is closed or there Xerox Machine experienced some technical problems, so the trainee will go to the other store that is a little bit far just to have a photocopy. Sometimes the trainee experienced sluggishness because some employees in the bank do not gave all the papers that must have a photocopy, so the trainee will go back again in the store, especially if it is far and the temperature of the environment is very hot and dusty. But, even though that was the case that trainee tried her best to be low-tempered and self-disciplined. Filing of Documents The trainee was tasked to file some documents on the folders such as the working files, collection letter and the ledger. In filing the collection letters and working files, it must be arranged according to the surname of applicants while on the ledger it must be arranged according to its number. Ledgers are arranged every after the clerk is done recording it. If there is no folder for the documents to file the trainee was the one who will make folders. It takes almost a week to file all the documents by the trainee. 7. Making the SOLECO Daily Report Because the senior teller was not that enhanced in using the computer, the trainee was the one who will make the SOLECO report every after printing the daily collection from the CEBCOS. In making the report, here are some points to check: Total Collection (total check total cash) based from the deposit slip of the SOLECO The trainee must check whether the total collection is equal to the deposit slip of the SOLECO and if it is not equal, the trainee will ask the senior teller for assistance. Used OR (DCR) No. Used OR (DCR) No. , refers to the numbers of official receipt that was used throughout the day. The trainee must check whether the used OR (DCR) No. in the report from the database of the CEBCOS system is equal to the copy of official receipts from the collections of the senior teller. Used OR (Bills) No. Used OR (Bills) No. is always the same in every report. Unused OR (DCR) No. Unused OR (DCR) No. , refers the unused official receipt throughout the day, Unused OR (DCR) No. is based on the left official receipt in the volt. Unused OR (Bills) No. Unused OR (Bills) No. is also the same in every report. ORES No. ORES No. is also the same in every report. The SOLECO report must be made daily that’s why trainee makes sure to make the report before 5:00 PM. After making the report, the trainee will then distribute it to the employees who must have a signature on it such as the branch manager, Allan A. Cabilao, the bookkeeper in the bank, Dhalia A. Franca, then the senior teller, Norma N. Sumodlayon. The report will then be kept by the senior teller. This report is very useful in recognizing those consumers who pay in that day because some consumers claim to the SOLECO employees who will cut the electricity that they already pay on their bills within the month. Also, through this report, they knew the total collections throughout the day, whether they gain more or less. 8. Checking the Proof sheet Before submitting the proof sheet to the auditor, it must have a signature of all the employees so that the bank will not be reported to the board of directors. So, the trainee was the one who checks the proof sheet and if there is no signature the trainee was also the responsible to have a signature on it. 9. Reporting Reconnections to the SOLECO office SOLECO employees cuts the connection of electricity to those consumers who do not pay their bills every end of the month, that’s why the trainee was the one who will call the main office of SOLECO which is located at Sogod, Southern Leyte to those consumers who wants to have a reconnection of electricity. In reporting the reconnection consumers, the trainee must specify the address of the consumer so that the SOLECO employees who connect the electricity don’t have a hard time in finding the right place/address of the consumer. Using a telephone, the trainee experienced a simple way in reporting the reconnection. ACTIVITIES RELATED TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY These activities are related to the trainee’s field of specialization: 1. Operating the Computerized Electric Billing and Collection System (CEBCOS) Before the trainee operated the system, the senior teller of the bank, Norma N. Sumodlayon first oriented on how to operate the system. Here are the steps in operating the system: On the desktop, right click the icon of the system that has a file name/ Then click open or double click the icon. The login window will then appear in which only the senior teller must input the username and password of the system. If the username password are correct another window will appear that contains the operations you want to do. For collecting SOLECO bill payments, left click on the online tellering icon and choose on the combo box for the collection site which is MAIN OFFICE then click ok. Based on the statement of account of the consumer, enter the account number of the consumer then press enter. The information of the consumer will then appear in which you must check the consumer name and amount due of the consumer. If the information is balance to the statement of account of the consumer, you now enter the amount received from the consumer then always enter to print the official receipt. There were also cases that the consumer’s account is in create bill. In creating a bill, click on the create bill button, on the create bill window, enter the bill month and the account number of the consumer then click the view button. The information of the consumer will then appear, if it is correct based on the statement of account of the consumer, you then enter present reading, reading date and the meter reader from the statement of account of the consumer then click save. After saving, you then repeat the steps in printing the official receipt. If the consumer has already meet the deadline in paying, you must click on the combo box near the account # of the consumer, then click ok on the information window to add penalty on the consumer. To see whether the consumer must have a penalty, you must compare the date of paying to the deadline of payment from the statement of account of the consumer. In printing the report for the entire consumer who pay within the day, click on the softcopy collection report window, enter the date from and date to in the by date collection center combo box. After it, you now enter on the textbox the DCR No. you wish to print, and then click the preview daily collection button then print. Sometimes the trainee experienced difficulties in operating the CEBCOS due to some problems, such as when the system is offline due to a network error and if the connection is low specially when it is rainy. Also, sometimes the main office changes the IP Address, password and username of the system without informing the senior teller. But, with these difficulties the trainee learned many things. 2. Printing of Documents There are documents that are useful in daily transaction on the bank and also monthly reports to submit so the trainee was tasked to print the documents if the trainee is available. Here are some documents to print: Trip Ticket Router Slip Mailing List Collection Letters Cash Disbursement Record Monthly Minutes Monthly Minutes Central Collateral Register Report List of Dormant Accounts Average Daily Cash Holding – 30 day period These documents were already encoded in the computer, so the trainee will just print it using a printer. Sometimes, these tasks were not performed specially if the printer was not available or some employees use the printer and also if the printer do not work properly. 3. Sending and Receiving a Fax The trainee was obliged to send documents to the main office such as reports of the loan analyst and the bookkeeper using a fax machine and also receiving documents. In performing this task, the trainee simply obtain the fax number of the fax machine and dialed it, then pressing the â€Å"fax† or â€Å"send† button. The fax machine will then scan the document and when the trainee hears the fax tone, a confirmation window will then appear that only means that the task was performed successfully. 4. Installing a Printer The senior teller, Ms. Norma N. Sumodlayon, was the one who assisted the trainee on how to install the printer. Due to some problems on the printer from the table of the senior teller, the trainee swaps the printer from the SOLECO printer to the table of the senior teller so that the work of the senior teller would be convenient. 5. Backing – up of Files The trainee was also assigned to back – up some important files and documents that have been done in the bank. Backing – up refers to making a copy of a data so that these additional copies maybe used to restore the original after a data loss. Every file needs to have a back – up, so that whatever happens to the original file, there is still a copy. 6. Encoding of Documents The trainee was tasked to encode some documents for the daily transactions of the bank. Here are the documents to be encoded by the trainee: Monthly minutes Central Collateral Register Report List of Dormant Accounts Average Daily Cash Holding – 30 day period Mailing List Collection Letters CONCLUSION The longer you do something, the more you learn. The faster you gain knowledge, the more you become a productive employee. On-the-job training involves a program designed to teach the trainee what they must know and must do in order to complete their tasks successfully. It is a great pleasure to have the Rural Bank of Maasin (Southern Leyte), Inc. as the trainee’s work site. Because of those experiences it gives good opportunities to the trainee especially in the activities which are related to the trainee’s field of specialization. Through RBM- Bontoc, the trainee learned many things; from simple tasks to complicated. And also provides the trainee a stimulating atmosphere during my on-the-job training. This firm develops my self-confidence. On-the-job training is of theoretical significance because it represents a form of education that stands in sharp contrast to schooling. Learning in school is divorced from practice. On-the-job training programs offer an array of formats for relating learning to practice that may very well useful in settings other than workplace. Therefore, training gives more knowledge and learning to the students, Trainees can get more ideas from their superiors that will eventually develop and enrich their critical and thinking skills. Through training, the students are already prepared for the actual work. PROLEMS MET DURING THE ON-THE-JOB TRAINING During the on-the-job training, the trainee experienced some unfamiliar job assignments such as using the type writer, operating the CEBCOS and other tasks that were new to the trainee. The trainee had a hard time in using the typewriter because it is the trainee’s first time to use it and also in operating the CEBCOS but these problems was encountered with the help of the employees of Rural Bank of Maasin – Bontoc Branch. Sometimes, the trainee committed failures but these were the â€Å"spices† in making her work better. The trainee also had a difficulty in adjusting new people and environment but these were successfully conquered by the trainee with the help of the employees in the bank. With these problems the trainee learned a lot that could be useful in the future. According to Anthony Robbins â€Å"Every problem is a gift without problems we would not grow. † I am very much thankful for the problems I’ve encountered during the on-the-job training because with these problems I learned a lot and pushed me to strive harder. Without these problems I will not grow in my field of specialization and as being me. LESSONS LEARNED They say that nothing beats experience, as my professor would say, as the perfect learning tool. For some students, on-the-job training gives them a taste of the real world–a glimpse of what lies ahead after they graduate. Though this is not where I see my future in I have learned quite a lot that will carry on with me for the rest of my life. One important thing I learned is do something you truly love to do and you will always be happy doing it. I have also learned that building relationships is really important. I also had lots of memorable experiences, some are good and some are bad. I learned to sacrifice a lot of things; I hardly have time for anything else. Start with what you know, and remove the unknown. Simply put, begin at the beginning and then work on how to solve the problems one at a time. I learned it’s best to do and show your best. Ask your boss if they have some work for you to do. You never know; they might hire you after the internship or in the future. I think studying is harder than working, though; the real world is easier than college. I learned through experience how to interact and communicate with people. Knowing how to handle and tackle different issues and still be diplomatic in both action and words is important. It will be so exciting in the ‘real’ world, being independent and figuring things out on your own. This also means having to deal with different people more often, so it is really good to know what you’re doing, and to love it. All we can do as students is to learn whatever we can in school, be inspired, love the path we take, and finally do our best in everything we do, with a positive outlook in mind. One of the most important things that I learned is that talent alone is not enough. It is important, but it is no guarantee of success. One must also be hard-working and should practice self-discipline. Sacrifice is important, too. Through Rural Bank of Maasin – Bontoc Branch, I learned many things and discover new things, ideas and exploring anything that gives big help in molding me and adding such as in dealing with the customers, with the employees, and also in dealing with myself. RECOMMENDATIONS To lessen the difficulties during on-the-job training, follow this: 1. The trainee should be confident in facing trials. The trainee should be confident in facing trials, for this will help not only the trainee as well as the company to overcome failures. Because being affected by trials will lead to failure and not only the trainee’s reputation will be affected but the company as well. 2. The trainee must have strong determination in life. The trainee must have a strong determination in life, because if you are determined enough to fulfill things accurately, the employer would maybe decide to absorb the trainee due to the very satisfied service that the trainee rendered to the company. The trainee should work hard and focus on her work. The trainee should work hard and focus on her work in order to not commit mistakes in doing the job and get compliments from the employer as well as the co-employees. 4. Listen carefully to the instructions of the heads. The trainee must listen carefully to the instructions of the heads because they possessed enough knowledge with regards to the nature of the working environment that also allows the trainee to learn and gain more knowledge about the job and the company. 5. Follow and respect their decisions. The trainee must follow and respect the employer’s/head’s decision for they are the authorized individuals to decide for the companies good. This attitude will also help the trainee to gain good relationship to the heads as well as help him/her to get good impressions and performance rate from the heads. 6. Think positively and enjoy the work. Think positively and enjoy the work will help the trainee to always overcome all the challenges that he/she encounters without experiencing depressions in the end of the day. Just be yourself and they’ll like you. Just be yourself and they’ll like you, for showing your real character will allow others to convey with the trainee comfortably that can also help in making good relationship to other employees. 8. The trainee should have to get along with the employees. The trainee should have to get along with the employees would help the trainee to learn techniques in making the work effective and also to learn more things about the company coming from their advice that could make you a better trainee.

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