Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations Report

|Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations | |â | |Home | |Truck Freightage Defies Trends in Economy: IFTRT Report | |â | |Defying the light information being discharged by different offices about the extension of monetary exercises and taking off corporate benefits, | |the shipping business, comprising of 3 million trucks, has neglected to gaze upward in most recent a month. The truck freightage has stayed level | |on a large portion of the storage compartment courses notwithstanding increment in cost of activity because of 2 diesel value climbs (Dec 31 and Dec 15†² 03) totaling Rs. 2/ - | |per liter (10%) and have, actually, forcefully declined on trunk courses going through Uttar Pradesh because of resumption of over-burdening by | |trucks. | |On the other hand different State Governments had pulled back Gold token/passes/cards, which allowed over-stacking of trucks in overabundance | |of allowed weight, so as to get arrival of a lot of Central Road Fund retained s ince April 2003. The Central Government has| |stopped Central Road Fund to those State Governments, which were allowing as well as supporting over-burdening of trucks in | |contravention of Central Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 by giving Gold Cards/passes/tokens to truckers against fixed month to month/quarterly | |fee. The Central Government has taken a firm view that â€Å"over-stacking of the vehicles cause huge harm to street surface†¦ | |Recently, the State Government of Uttar Pradesh pulled back the Gold Card plot w. e. f. Dec. 15, 03 and after a month Rajasthan did the | |same w. e. f. 1, Jan 04. The ensuing rigid implementation of CMV Act, 1988 by U. P. Transport Department by not allowing the | |entry/going through of over-burden trucks from the State brought about sharp increment in truck freightage by 4% †7. 5% during the | |fortnight (Dec 1, †Dec 15, 03) and agitated the shipping business in locale. Nonetheless, this enemy of over-burdening drive was brief | |a nd has crumpled in the U. P. State, all things considered. Presently, over-burden trucks are handling and going through the State happily. Consequently, | |truck freightage indeed is being directed by the over-stacking of vehicles that existed before Dec. 1, 03. Over the most recent a month | |the truck freightage for the storage compartment courses going through U. P. has dropped by 3. 5% †6. 8%, as indicated by the month to month update discharged by| |Indian Foundation of Transport Training and Research (IFTRT). | |Union Government outmaneuvered by Rajasthan | |Followed by U. P. the Rajasthan Government, as well, had pulled back its Gold card/token plan from 1, Jan 04 to get the Central Road Fund | |released right away. Be that as it may, the State Government, intelligently has supplanted the prior unique Gold Token Scheme with another | |†AMNESTY SCHEME† by charging multi piece expense to allow unhindered over-stacking of trucks in overabundance of recommended weight limit. The first | |Jan. '04 warning has been â€Å"modified† to conciliate the Central Government, which had again would not d ischarge the cash from Central | |Road Fund. In any case, handling of over stacked business vehicles proceeds under the support of State Transport Department, calls attention to the | |report. |â | |TRUCK (16. 2 TON GVW) Hire charges/rates (Rs. per full circle 21 Dec'03 †21 Jan'04 | |Route/Round Trip |Period |Truck Hire charges |Diesel Price increment Impact | |9 ton pay load | |change/Round Trip/Period |(per full circle) 31 Dec'03 | |21 Dec'03 †21 Jan'04 | Hire Charges |Hire Charges | |21 Dec'03 |21 Jan'04 | |Rs. |% |Rs. |% | |Delhi †Mumbai †Delhi |28,800/ - |28,800/ - |No Change |NC |(+) 620/ - |(+) 5 | |Delhi †Nagpur †Delhi |28,400/ - |28,400/ - |No Change |NC |(+) 610/ - |(+) 5 | |Delhi †Kolkata †Delhi |34,700/ - |33,000/ - |(- ) 1,700/ - |(- ) 5. 0 |(+) 630/ - |(+) 5 | |Delhi †Guwahati †Delhi |69,400/ - |67,000/ - |(- ) 2,400/ - |(- ) 3. |(+) 850/ - |(+) 5 | |Delhi †Hyderabad †Delhi |43,100/ - |43,100/ - |No Change | NC |(+) 770/ - |(+) 5 | |Delhi †Chennai †Delhi |59,000/ - |59,000/ - |No Change |NC |(+) 870/ - |(+) 5 | |Delhi †Bangalore †Delhi |44,800/ - |45,000/ - |(+) 200/ - |(+) 0. 5 |(+) 770/ - |(+) 5 | |Delhi †Ranchi †Delhi |33,300/ - |31,300/ - |(- ) 2,000/ - |(- ) 6. 8 |(+) 620/ - |(+) 5 | |Delhi †Raipur †Delhi |29,300/ - |29,300/ - |No Change |NC |(+) 630/ - |(+) 5 | |Delhi †Kandla †Delhi |18,300/ - |18,300/ - |No Change |NC |(+) 340/ - |(+) 5 | |Delhi †Bilaspur †Delhi |30,300/ - |30,300/ - |No Change |NC |(+) 620/ - |(+) 5 |

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Levels and Scales of Measurement in Statistics

Levels and Scales of Measurement in Statistics Level of estimation alludes to the specific way that a variable is estimated inside logical research, andâ scale of estimation alludes to the specific instrument that a scientist uses to sort the information in a composed manner, contingent upon the degree of estimation that they have chosen. Picking the level and size of estimation areâ important parts of the examination structure processâ because they are essential for organized estimating and classifying of information, and along these lines for breaking down it and making determinations from it too that are viewed as substantial. Inside science, there are four usually utilized levels and sizes of estimation: ostensible, ordinal, interim, and proportion. These were created byâ psychologist Stanley Smith Stevens, who expounded on them in a 1946 article in Science, titled On the Theory of Scales of Measurement. Each degree of estimation and its relating scale can quantify at least one of the four properties of estimation, which incorporate personality, greatness, equivalent interims, and a base estimation of zero. There is a chain of command of these various degrees of estimation. With the lower levels of estimation (ostensible, ordinal), presumptions are ordinarily less prohibitive and information examinations are less touchy. At each degree of the pecking order, the present level incorporates all the characteristics of the one beneath it notwithstanding something new. By and large, it is alluring to have more elevated levels of estimation (interim or proportion) instead of a lower one. Let’s look at each degree of estimation and its comparing scale all together from most minimal to most noteworthy in the chain of command. The Nominal Level and Scale An ostensible scale is utilized to name the classifications inside the factors you use in your exploration. This sort of scale gives no positioning or requesting of qualities; it just gives a name to every class inside a variable so you can follow them among your information. Or, in other words, it fulfills the estimation of personality, and character alone. Regular models inside humanism incorporate the ostensible following ofâ sex (male or female),â raceâ (white, Black, Hispanic, Asian, American Indian, etc.),â and classâ (poor, common laborers, white collar class, high society). Obviously, there are numerous different factors one can gauge on an ostensible scale. The ostensible degree of estimation is otherwise called an unmitigated measureâ and is viewed as subjective in nature. While doing factual research and utilizing this degree of estimation, one would utilize the mode, or the most generally happening esteem, as aâ measure of focal inclination. The Ordinal Level and Scale Ordinal scales are utilized when a scientist needs to gauge something that isn't effectively measured, similar to emotions or conclusions. Inside such a scale the various qualities for a variable are continuously requested, which is the thing that makes the scale valuable and useful. It fulfills both the properties of character and of size. In any case, it is imperative to take note of that as such a scale isn't quantifiable-the exact contrasts between the variable classifications are mysterious. Inside humanism, ordinal scales are usually used to quantify people groups perspectives and feelings on social issues,â like racismâ and sexism, or how significant certain issues are to them with regards to a political race. For instance, if a specialist needs to gauge the degree to which a populace accepts that bigotry is an issue, they could pose an inquiry like How large an issue is prejudice in our general public today? also, give the accompanying reaction choices: its a major issue, it is to some degree issue, it is a little issue, and bigotry isn't an issue. When utilizing this level and size of estimation, it is the middle which signifies focal inclination. The Interval Level and Scale In contrast to ostensible and ordinal scales, an interim scale is a numeric one that takes into account requesting of variablesâ and gives an exact, quantifiable comprehension of the contrasts between them (the interims between them). This implies it fulfills the three properties of personality, magnitude,â andâ equal interims. Age is a typical variable that sociologists track utilizing an interim scale, similar to 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. One can likewise turn non-interim, requested variable classes into an interim scale to aidâ statistical examination. For example,â it is basic to gauge pay as a range, as $0-$9,999; $10,000-$19,999; $20,000-$29,000, etc. These extents can be transformed into interims that mirror the expanding level of salary, by utilizing 1 to flag the least classification, 2 the following, at that point 3, and so on. Interim scales are particularly helpful in light of the fact that they not just take into account estimating the recurrence and level of variable classes inside our information, they additionally permit us to ascertain theâ mean, notwithstanding the middle, mode. Critically, with the interim degree of estimation, one can likewise calculateâ the standard deviation. The Ratio Level and Scale The proportion size of estimation is almost equivalent to the interim scale, in any case, it contrasts in that it has a flat out estimation of zero, thus it is the main scale that fulfills each of the four properties of estimation. A humanist would utilize a proportion scale to gauge genuine earned pay in a given year, not separated into all out extents, however going from $0 upward. Anything that can be estimated from outright zero can be estimated with a proportion scale, as for instance the quantity of youngsters an individual has, theâ number of races an individual has casted a ballot in, or theâ number of companions who are of a race not the same as the respondent. One can run all the factual tasks as should be possible with the interim scale, and considerably more with the proportion scale. Truth be told, it is supposed on the grounds that one can make proportions and divisions from the information when one uses a proportion level of estimation and scale. Updatedâ by Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.D.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Theory Of Everyday And Everydayness †Free Samples for Students

Question: Examine About The Theory Of Christmas Memory Everydayness? Answer: Presentation: A Christmas memory is a short story composed by Truman Capote in 1963. It is a widely praised story that rotates around two companions with more than six many years old enough hole between them. The composing rotates around the magnificence, effortlessness and the validity of their fellowship. The book is to a great extent self-portraying described from the viewpoint of a multi year old living with his closest companion and removed cousin who is an older woman. A Christmas memory has regularly been recorded, played and acted in theaters and films by different driving creation houses over the globe. Consistently and everydayness is a hypothesis given by perhaps the best rationalist of his time Henri Lefebvre. He spearheaded this specific hypothesis in 1930s where he characterized ordinarily as a crossing point between reality and fantasy, force and powerlessness and in particular consistently is the convergence between what man can control and what he can't. In this hypothesis Lefebvre contends that in this time of modernization, our relationship to objects has gets materialistic and fundamental(Lefebvre 1930)[1]. Be that as it may, Capote in his compositions has effectively difficulties this part of his hypothesis by showing unqualified and easy love between these two companions. In this paper we would talk about different occurrences that challenge this hypothesis. Occurrences examined: Gifting Kites In the story, Capote illuminates how the creator and his amigo and inaccessible cousin live respectively agreeably and think about one another dear companions. One of the occasions referenced in the story proceeds to show how in spite of getting various presents from other relatives, how the kite that they make for one another keep on outstanding their most loved endowments. They generally try to astound one another yet the two of them know every others financial status. In spite of living respectively, they go to isolate corners of the house so as to make that kite for one another. Their energy is obvious and the security that they give each other despite staying alert that they are both making kites unmistakably challenges Lefebvres hypothesis as their relationship with the kite is neither key nor materialistic, rather it shows veritable warmth for one another. Preparing Cakes As portrayed in the book, them two were poor and shy of nourishment cash, still they guarantee each Christmas that they make 30 cakes for outright outsiders or colleagues whom they have experienced only once in the course of their lives. President Roosevelt likewise gets a lot of the cake despite the fact that he isn't even remotely mindful of their reality. This is exclusively in light of the fact that President has made them excited (Capote 1963)[2]. Abner packer, someone else for whom they prepare a cake is the driver of the 6 o clock transport who recognizes them consistently. They trade waves and wish each other well however they never stop to impart. Thus it is distinct that the relationship isn't as profound. Still they affirm that they send him a cake each Christmas. In this period of modernization, everybody seems narrow minded with no respect for another yet Capotes characters show sentiments of tremendous love, thankfulness and benevolence for such huge numbers of individu als including one another. The $13 Superstition The creator and his mate have been known to set aside cash throughout the entire year to have the option to manage the cost of making cakes on Christmas. This year they gathered $13 yet pal is offbeat about the number thirteen and firmly accepts that the cakes will either fall or somebody will pass on by eating those cakes. To cure this, they toss a penny out of the window with the goal that their all out aggregate of cash adds up to be under $13. Capote has portrayed an unmistakable thought for different people groups security and prosperity. Disregarding being poor and short on mullah, they don't consider a penny more significant than the feelings behind the cakes that they prepare for individuals or the lives of those individuals. This is the second episode where Lefebvres hypothesis has been drastically tested. Bourbon in Exchange for cake One of the occurrences of the book exhibits Mr. Haha who is the proprietor of a bourbon plant. Creator and his mate need bourbon to prepare the cakes which is the most costly crude material required by them. Right off the bat his companion, approaches Mr. Haha and offers to purchase his best bourbon, which shows that she doesn't wishes to choose a lower nature of cake despite the fact that she won't get the chance to eat any of it. Also, when Mr. Haha understands that they are coming up short on cash as he appears them battling with nickels and dimes and pennies. When he grasps the cash, he relax and returns it in the satchel of the creators companion. He rather offers to give them the bourbon consequently of a cake. Capote by and by refutes Lefebvre as Mr. Hahas character is worked as a huge and heartless man who has numerous pending cases in the court and is supposedly denounced with executing and hitting various individuals in his caf including his Indian spouse. This obscurely po rtrayed character likewise liquefies down when he appear to be a senior woman and a little offspring of seven battling with cash and won't take money from them. This delineates everybody at each time isn't materialistic yet certain moves are made exclusively based out of feeling and regard. Celebrating being down and out After the cakes have been heated, they are sent to their particular customers by means of post. Capote portrays that after their visit to the mail station, when the cakes have been sent, they have spent their whole mullah and are presently penniless. The creator communicates his mistake yet his companion demands that they praise the occasion. This shows a demeanor of appreciation. Clearly, the creators companion is appeared as a benevolent character who organizes joy of others over herself. This is one more occurrence where Lefebvres hypothesis has been refuted. Sunday Ritual Movie worth 10 pennies We see in the story that the creator gets 10 pennies from his amigo each Sunday to watch a film. Capote additionally specifies that pal has herself never headed out to watch a film in the performance center yet at the same time due to lack of cash, she doesn't go either. In any case, notwithstanding this she send her companion, the young man strictly every Sunday with 10 pennies and once he returns he portrays the whole story to her. This is the custom that they have followed each Sunday. This proceeds to show how mate guarantees that the creator has this experience each Sunday despite the fact that she has never had that experience for herself. Christmas tree-Not available to be purchased Towards the finish of the story we notice how they get themselves a Christmas tree in the wake of experiencing so much difficulty, they guarantee they get the best one. In any case, when a rich woman offers to purchase that tree, the creators companion gruffly rejects expressing that they would not aside from one dollar for it. This exhibits how it is difficult to put a sticker price on specific things totally conflicting to Lefebvres thought of a ravenous relationship to objects. An affectionate memory Finally, the story closes a couple of years down the line when the creator and her amigo have gone separate ways, anyway their relationship has not been influenced by the separation. She keeps on singling handedly heat cakes for a couple of Novembers and sends Capote the best of the bunch. She additionally sends him 10 pennies collapsed in a bathroom tissue and composes that he ought to go watch a film and keep in touch with her the story. At the point when she dies, the creator is broken and gazes toward the sky in the desire for seeing kites representing his relationship with her is past material articles and how she will consistently keep on staying in his heart emphatically spurning Lefebvre till the end. References: Consistently and Everydayness. Word Press. 17 September 2012. and-everydayness-lefebvre/. A Christmas Memory. Weber. 4 August, 2003. [1] Every day and Everydayness. Word Press. 17 September 2012. and-everydayness-lefebvre/. [2] A Christmas Memory. Weber. 4 August, 2003.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Pros and Cons of Getting an Online Degree from a US College

If you’re an international student interested in studying at a US college, but hesitant about the cost and idea of living so far from home, you should consider earning an online degree. This option can take out the stress of traveling abroad while still enabling you to obtain a degree from an accredited US school. Of course, as with anything, there are some disadvantages to getting an online degree so you’ll want to take a look at both the pros and the cons before making your final decision. Pros A US Education Without Travel Expenses Attending a US college is the dream of many international students, especially those who wish to eventually live and work in this country. But it’s not always possible to get here. The travel expenses alone can be tough on many college hopefuls, and then there is the expense of actually living in the US for a few years. International students who come to this country also have to deal with the process of getting a student visa and then possibly becoming homesick shortly after arriving. If traveling to the US for school intimidates you, it doesn’t mean you have to give up on the US education you desire. You can simply earn an online degree from a US school. And if you were looking forward to studying abroad, you can always study online for now and then transfer to the actual campus in a year or two, once you’re ready. Flexibility Many American college students decide to take classes online because of the flexibility. This arrangement allows them to work, since taking on-campus classes can make it difficult to juggle a full-time or even part-time job. International students can benefit from this, too, probably even more so than American students. After all, when you don’t have access to many financial aid options, and you aren’t eligible for in-state tuition, college can be pretty expensive. So if you’re worrying about how you are going to pay for the US school you want to attend, consider getting an online degree that allows you the flexibility to work. This is likely much easier than trying to find a job in the US as an international student on a student visa. Cons Possible  Language Barrier The course material will be in English, and this could be an issue for some international students. After all, when you take a class online, you are expected to read a lot of material on your own and watch videos in which American professors speak. If you’re not fluent in English, this could prove a struggle for you. Even if you are semi-fluent in this language, some of the English idioms and slang you hear might surprise you, making instructions difficult to understand. You would have the same problem if you were to attend a US school in-person, but when you’re working on an online degree, you don’t have as much access to international student centers, tutors and fellow American students who can help you with your English. If your English is still very limited, you might consider taking classes that teach you the language before attempting to earn an online degree from a US school. This way, you won’t have a language barrier to contend with as you try to learn literature, science, and other subjects. Not the Full College Experience If you just want to get a college degree as soon as possible, studying online is probably the best way to go. But if you are looking forward to the whole college experience, getting a degree online may be disappointing. When you travel to the US to study, you get to experience a whole new culture while improving your English skills. In addition, you have the chance to make friends with both American students and other international students. You might even take up a sport or join a fraternity or sorority. You don’t have those options when you get an online degree. That’s why you should think about your goals before you decide which path to take. If you just want a college degree from a US school without having to travel, and you cannot afford to quit your job, studying online may be right for you. But if you want new experiences along with your degree, attending a campus in the US may be the better option.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

World Geography Free Essay Example, 1000 words

Through all these ages, geographic knowledge helped man in his exploration and navigation endeavors. James and Trapasso (2006) claimed that it would have been difficult for Columbus to discover America and the West Indies without a world map. On the other hand, Arab traders would not travel to unchartered territories without knowing the distance between continents. This means that there would be no definite globalization, governance structures and spatial planning without the knowledge of geography. Importance of Geography Understanding different aspects of the earth is important in explaining apparent disparities in terms of resource endowment, political orientations and climatic discordance of regions. According to Chant (2002), knowledge developed from studying influence of latitudes is important in explaining difference between tropic and polar climates. Understanding climatic difference of regions marked the foundation of agriculture as part of economic geography. Therefore, geography unearthed the varied resource endowment of regions across the world. In addition, without knowledge of temperature and soil differences, people in Sri Lanka would not know that their country has high potential for tea farming. On the other hand, people would still be wondering why natural tragedies like earth quakes and hurricanes happen. We will write a custom essay sample on World Geography or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now According to Short (2003), study of longitudinal aspects was important in comprehending time difference observed between different regions across the world. Geography and European Imperialism At some point in historical studies, one may fail to understand how European countries like Britain, Germany and France conquered vast geographical regions in Africa and Asia. However, such phenomena can be explained by acknowledging the role played by geography in imperialism. European imperialism features as one of the territorial expansions which benefited immensely from geography. During the early 18th Century, European nations like Britain and France were undergoing substantial development and accumulation of wealth. According to Phillips and Jones (2005), the desire to amass great wealth led to exploration of other geographical regions having indefinite governance structures but with abundant natural resources. In this context, member states involved in European imperialism started planning for their territorial expansion using geographical knowledge of Africa and Asia. First, British army commanders were able to indentify viable spots in Asian territories like Singapore where they could establish ports for their navy ships.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Globalization The Route to Global Destruction Essay

Globalization is a confusing concept. For some it conjures up images of electronic communications: an email, global media, and popularization of mobile phones. For others it is about trade: the ability to buy coca-cola in rural villages in Africa. For yet others it is about misappropriation and greed: the suicide of Indian peasant farmers ruined by agri-business and genetically modified seeds. From now on, I will present the negative effects of globalization. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;?gGlobalization?h is a very uneven process, with unequal distribution of benefits and losses. The problem is that of who gains and loses from the potential benefits. This imbalance leads to polarization or separation between the few rich countries or†¦show more content†¦?@The Human Development Report, 1996 showed that over the past three decades, only 15 countries have enjoyed high growth, while 89 countries were worse off economically than they were ten or more years earlier. In 70 developing countries, the present income levels were less than in the 1960s and 1970s. ?gEconomic gains have benefited greatly a few countries, at the expense of many?h, said the report. ?@ ?@The resulting inequalities in health outcomes are stark. Those living in absolute poverty are five times more likely to die before reaching five years of age than those in higher income groups. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Another problem of globalization is that it brought about a shift in power: the nation state has weakened?@and reduced its social accountability. The control of national economies is seen by some as possibly shifting from sovereign governments to other entities, including the mostShow MoreRelatedEssay on Historiography of Globalization1558 Words   |  7 PagesThe study of globalization is a lengthy and complicated one. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry

Question: Discuss about the Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Answer: Introduction: Scanning electron microscope(SEM) uses electrons in forming image of specimens. It offers number of advantages in comparison with conventional microscope. It has greater scope of field, high resolution and uses electromagnets. Specimens which are closely spaced can be analysed at higher levels of magnification and researcher easily controls magnification. It produces images of exceptional clarity. Hence SEM is a primary tool for researchers in the present day. An electron gun produces an electron beam which is focussed toward the sample by lenses and electromagnetic fields. The electron beam strikes the sample. X-rays, electrons are ejected. These are collected by detectors and converted into signals. These signals are transmitted to a monitor and the image of specimens is displayed. Water content from the samples is removed since water vaporises in vacuum condition which exists in the SEM. To protect the users from associated radiation hazard during the operation of SEM, it is ensured that shielding is not undermined and the levels of exposure are very less (Scanning Electron Microscope n.d.). In a transmission electron microscope (TEM) the basic principle of operation is similar to that of light microscope. The wavelength of light acts as limiting factor in the light microscope. Instead of light,electrons are used in TEM. Due to low wavelength of electrons the resolution of image in a TEM is more than thousand times better in comparison with the light microscope. The high magnifications obtained in TEM has enabled its use in materials, medical and biological research. Electrons emitted by a light source are focused by electromagnetic lenses into a thin beam. The electron beam is transmitted through the specimen under study. Some electrons undergo scattering and disappear. The scattering depends on the material's density. The electrons which are not scattered strike a fluorescent screen. A shadow image of the specimen is formed on the screen. The different parts of specimen are displayed at various darkness levels depending on their density. A camera is used to take photograph of the image or the operator/ user can directly study the image on the screen(The Transmission Electron Microscope 2016). Optical emission spectrometry principle: Electrical energy in the nature of spark is applied between a metal sample and electrode. The atoms in the sample are vaporised and move to high energy state due to generation of discharge plasma. The excited ions and atoms which are present in the discharge plasma result in the creation of characteristic emission spectrum of light which is specific to the elements present in the sample. A single element can generate number of characteristic spectral lines. Light which is generated by plasma consists of spectral lines which are produced by metal sample elements. A diffraction grating is used to split the light and emission spectrum of target elements is extracted. The intensity of spectrum is dependent on concentration of elements present in metal sample. Photomultiplier tube detectors measure spectrum intensity of every element after the absence or presence of spectrum is detected. Quantitative and qualitative analysis is performed making use of intensity measurements. The spectrometer is used for quality control in the manufacture of steel and in processes related to aluminium metallurgy(Principle of Optical Emission Spectrometry 2016) FTIR(Fourier Transform Infra-red Spectrometer) find application in analysis of food,organic synthesis among other industries. They are combined with chromatography to investigate the mechanisms involved in chemical reactions and detect volatile substances. Absorption spectroscopy which utilises infra-red ray radiation is used for determining molecular structures. The molecules of the sample are exposed to infra-red rays. The molecules assimilate certain wavelengths of infra-red radiation. The vibration of molecules is displayed in the Infra-red spectrum. The dipole moment of molecules changes. Molecules are transferred from the ground state to an excited state. Total number of absorption peaks are related to vibration modes of molecules. The change in dipole moment and energy level transition is related to absorption peak intensity in the spectrum. The infra-red spectrum is subjected to thorough analysis using Fourier transform for obtaining structural information related to the molecule. FTIR spectrometers have advantages like higher signal-to-noise ratio corresponding to the spectrum, higher accuracy of wave-number since error is small range,short scan time,wide range of scan,very high resolution,reduction of interference caused due to stray light. FTIR spectrometer comprises of source,sample chamber,Michelson interferometer,A/D converter,amplifier,detector and computer. The radiation generated by the source passes through the sample via interferometer and finally reaches the detector. The light beam is split is split by the interferometer. The two light beams travel in different paths to reach the sample. The two beams are later combined by the interferometer into a single beam and is guided to the detector. Here the intensity difference between the two beams is measured as a mathematical function of path difference. The detector produces a time domain interferogram. The analogue signal generated by the detector is amplified by the amplifier. The amplified signal is converted to digital form. In the computer the digital signal is analysed using Fourier transform. The signal analysed using the Fourier transform is a plot of signal intensity against wave-number(Birkner Wang 2015). Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) finds routine deployment in diverse fields which include geochemistry, life sciences ,forensic science, archaeology, environmental science and different industries. ICP MS is used for detection, identification and reliable quantification of trace elements. The instruments based on ICP MS are robust,reliable and possess very large spectral resolution. They are used for detecting multi-element isotopes. ICP MS possesses properties like high sensitivity,response which is not dependent on compounds present in sample, comparative salt tolerance and high quantification accuracy. They are also used in investigating health crises like nerve degeneration caused by methyl mercury,poisoning of drinking water by arsenic compounds, brain damage caused by lead compounds(Ammann 2007). An ICP-MS combines high-temperature source containing argon and a mass spectrometer. The source converts atoms in the sample to ions. Later separation of ions takes place. The spectrometer detects the ions. The sample, in the form of aerosol is exposed to the discharge plasma. The elements in the aerosol get converted into atoms which are in gaseous state. Then the atoms are ionised. Electrostatic lenses focus the ions. The optical system can comprise of one lens or 12 lenses. The ions and the electrostatic lens are positively charged. The lens collimate the beam of ions. Then the ion beam is focussed onto the slit of spectrometer. The separation of ions in spectrometer is performed based on mass-to-charge ratio. Quadrupole mass filter is the commonly used mass spectrometer. The ions are then detected and counted using an appropriate detector. The ions which strike the detector are converted into an electrical signal. The signal is measured and analysed. Information related to number of atoms of particular elements present in the sample is available after analysis which is performed using known calibration standards(Wolf 2013). X-ray diffraction analysis is a distinctive method for determining crystallinity of compound. A crystal possesses well-defined properties like intrinsic dissolution rate melting point and solubility. Knowledge about crystalline structure of compounds is required in controlling the final nature of a product during the development stages. Diffractogram is the result of XRD analysis. It displays intensity as a mathematical function of diffraction angles. A material can be positively identified making use of XRD analysis. The X-rays which are generated in the system undergo filtration process to create radiation of a single frequency. It is then concentrated using a collimator and focussed towards the sample. Interaction between sample and incident ray generates constructive interference along with diffracted ray when the concerned physics law is satisfied. XRD analysis generates a unique diffraction pattern and provides a novel fingerprint of crystals present in given sample. Interpretation of diffraction patterns is performed in comparison with standard measurements and reference patterns. The fingerprint enables easy identification of crystalline form present in the sample(X-Ray Diffraction n.d.). Reference List Scanning Electron Microscope n.d., Purdue University-Radiological and Environmental Management, accessed 26 Nov 2016, The Transmission Electron Microscope 2016,Nobel Media,accessed 26 Nov 2016, Principle of Optical Emission Spectrometry 2016,Shimadzu-Analytical and Measuring Instruments,accessed 26 Nov 2016, Birkner,N Wang,Q 2015. How an FTIR Spectrometer Operates.University of California-Davis,accessed 26 Nov 2016, Ammann AA 2007. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP MS): a versatile tool. PubMed,accessed 26 Nov 2016, Wolf,R.E 2013. What is ICP-MS ?... and more importantly, what can it do?U.S. Geological Survey,accessed 26 Nov 2016, X-Ray Diffraction XRD n.d, Particle Analytical,accessed 26 Nov 2016,